Wednesday, June 21, 2006

7. 條件類
1.) unless(conj) used to say that something will happen or be true if something else does not happen or is not true
例句:He won't go to sleep unless you tell him a story

2.) once (conj):from the time when something happens
例句:Once in bed, the children usually stay there.

3.) as/so long as:
a)used to say that one thing can happen or be true only if another thing happens or is true:
例句: You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.
b) used to say that one thing will continue to happen or be true if another thing happens or is true at the same time:
例句:As long as we keep playing well, we'll keep winning games.

4.) if=suppose that=supposing that=provided that=on condition that=only if
5.) in case
In case I'm late, start without me.

6.) in the even that
7.) whether…or not
8.) but/only that

Thursday, May 25, 2006

1. 時間類
1.) when/as

i. Leonard was nine when his father died.
ii. As time passed, things seemed to get worse.

2.) Whenever

i. every time that a particular thing happens
1. Whenever I hear that tune, it makes me think of you.
ii. at any time:
1. Come and visit me whenever you want.

3.) While

i. during the time that something is happening
1. While she was asleep, thieves broke in and stole her handbag.
ii. used to emphasize the difference between two situations, activities etc:
1. Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor.

4.) since

i. from a particular time or event in the past until the present, or in that period of time:
1. It was exactly five years since her father had died.
ii. Use since to say that something started at a point in time in the past, and is still continuing
iii. Use for when you state the length of time that something has been happening
iv. During and over are used when you state the period of time in which something happens or changes

5.) Till(介)/until(連)

i. if something happens until a particular time, it continues and then stops at that time:
1. Until recently, Anna worked as a teacher in Japan.

6.) not…until

i. used to emphasize that something does not happen before a certain point in time or before something else has happened:
1. It was not until 1972 that the war finally came to an end.

7.) by the time

i. By the time they get here, we'll have finished the work.

8.) hardly/scarcely/barely…when/before=no sooner had/did... than

i. Rarely and seldom both mean 'not often'. Seldom is more formal or literary
ii. Hardly and scarcely both mean 'almost not' or 'only just'. For example, if you hardly had time to do something, you almost did not have time. Scarcely is more formal or literary
iii. only a moment ago [= hardly, barely]:
1. He had scarcely sat down when there was a knock at the door.
iv. no sooner had/did ... than used to say that something happened almost immediately after something else:
1. No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang.

9.) as soon as

i. as soon as :immediately after something happens, without delay:
1. As soon as she entered the room, she knew there was something wrong.

1. 地方類
1.) where
2.) wherever(無論哪裏):to or at any place, position, or situation: Children will play wherever they happen to be.
2. 狀態類
1.) as(如同):
i. The work is not so difficult as you imagine.
2.) as if/as though(彷彿)
i. She treats him as if he were a stranger.
ii. He treats his elder sister as though she were a stranger.
3.) just as(誠如、當)
i. Just as (=at the exact moment when) I opened the door, the telephone started to ring.
3. 比較類
1.) as……as
2.) not so much …as
4. 結果類
1.) 【肯定】
i. so…that
ii. so that
iii. in order that
2.) 【否定】
i. lest… should
ii. for fear that … should
iii. in case that …should
5. 讓步或對比類
1.) though/although
2.) even if /even though
3.) while/whereas
4.) albeit
5.) as
6.) no matter how+adj /no matter wh-
6. 原因或理由類
1.) because/as/since
2.) in that
3.) on the grounds that
7. 條件類
1.) unless
2.) once
3.) as long as
4.) if=suppose that=supposing that=provided that=on condition that=only if
5.) in case
6.) in the even that
7.) whether…or not
8.) but/only that
8. 時間類
1.) when/as
2.) whenever
3.) every/each time
4.) while
5.) before
6.) after
7.) since
8.) till/until
9.) not…until
10.) by the time
11.) long before
12.) long after
13.) hardly/scarcely/barely…when/before=no soon than
14.) as soon as=the moment=the minute=the instant

Monday, May 22, 2006

No more 'using highest (moral) standards'
anniversary of his inauguration 就職週年

on the northern tip of Taiwan 台灣的北角

son-in-law 女婿

insider stock trading scandal 內線交易的醜聞

apologized to 人 for 事

At the same time, 同時 或 然而

urged 人 to Vrt (原型)

in accordance with the law 依法

call on 懇求

a cliché 陳腔濫調

consider 人 as idiots 以為某人是笨蛋

at a loss to 困惑不解的。 He is at a loss for words.

almost all 複數名詞

be alleged 被聲稱 to

let alone 更遑論not to mention (adv).

Apology 道歉N.【C】

sincere and humble remorse 真誠而謙卑的自責

profess 承認

tactic 戰略

It actually divulged (=revealed)a feeling of arrogance.


pride oneself on 以….為自豪

far-fetched 牽強的 未必會的

undertake a thorough self-examination 進行測底的反省

ensuing 接踵而至的

in terms of 就….而言

so far 到目前為止

calling for 需要
No more 'using highest (moral) standards'
anniversary of his inauguration 就職週年

on the northern tip of Taiwan 台灣的北角

son-in-law 女婿

insider stock trading scandal 內線交易的醜聞

apologized to 人 for 事

At the same time, 同時 或 然而

urged 人 to Vrt (原型)

in accordance with the law 依法

call on 懇求

a cliché 陳腔濫調

consider 人 as idiots 以為某人是笨蛋

at a loss to 困惑不解的。 He is at a loss for words.

almost all 複數名詞

be alleged 被聲稱 to

let alone 更遑論not to mention (adv).

Apology 道歉N.【C】

sincere and humble remorse 真誠而謙卑的自責

profess 承認

tactic 戰略

It actually divulged (=revealed)a feeling of arrogance.


pride oneself on 以….為自豪

far-fetched 牽強的 未必會的

undertake a thorough self-examination 進行測底的反省

ensuing 接踵而至的

in terms of 就….而言

so far 到目前為止

calling for 需要

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Disseminate vt.
1. 散播;宣傳
2. n. dissemination =propaganda
3. semin=seed 帶出植物的字根
植物--(1)botan:botanical garden 植物園 (2)veget:vegetate vegetate (3)phyt(o)種植 (4)plant苔--- bryo海藻---phyco黴,霉--(1)myc黴菌---(2)fungi細菌---bacteri子囊---asco種子---(1)spor (2)semin4. 帶出S的字根5. 字根字首的Excell檔

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Chinese Newborns Lacking Enough Iodine
Hundreds of thousands of newborns in China don't get enough iodine in their diet, reducing the overall brainpower in parts of the country.China 很多新生兒在飲食中無法得到足夠的碘,因此部分地區的新生兒腦力受到影響。

A lack of iodine can lead to mental disability, deafness and other health problems, and can raise the risk of miscarriages.缺少碘會導致智能障礙,如耳聾或其他健康問題,也會增加流產的危險。

vt.(1)lack anything
vi.(2)lack for nothing
n.(3) his lack of money

lead to
Smoking can lead to導致 lung cancer.

n. (1) at the risk of 冒著...危險,以....當賭注
Vt.(2) They risked losing their jobs. 冒著....危險[+v-ing]
(3) take risks/ a risk in my job

Monday, May 15, 2006

Partner in crime, accessory, conspirator共謀者
accompany伴隨 vt
He wished her to accompany him. 他希望她陪他。
2. couch, phrase 用詞, slogan, expression of
3. propagate 繁殖,增殖,普及,傳播
Trees propagate themselves by seeds. 樹靠種子繁衍
propagate scientific knowledge普及科學知識
a missionary for propagation of love
貪心的;渴望的(eager, anxious, greedy, craving, covetous)
be eager for =be anxious for = be greedy for= have a craving for= be covetous of

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Vatican, China have problems

civil war 泛指一般的內戰
Civil war 美國南北戰爭
Catholic missionaries天主教的傳教士(=preacher牧師)
Political persecution政治的迫害
dissenting =持異議的
tortured痛苦 suspicious猜疑的
an atheist無神論者
remnants 殘存者
priests 神父
leftist 左派分子
banned 被取締的
mutual distrust1彼此的不信任